Tuesday, 11 August 2015


I have a feeling this will be harder than I expect it to be, I tried to think of five facts on the top of my head and struggled when I got to four!
Hopefully with a little time and a lot of thinking I can get twenty interesting facts that will help you get to know me better.
1) I am OCD about dates, time &organisation, everything has to be planned & wrote down!
2) I own an 'Angry Birds' speaker that is very loud and don't go a day without listening to music blasting out of the thing!
3) I hate pen's that are less than 1.8mm ball-thickness, just doesn't feel right.
4) I don't use the mouse on my laptop, I use the Wireless Microsoft Mobile Mouse 3500
5) I watch youtubers more than I watch TV programs
6) I have a bad habit of ragging off my bed sheet in my sleep... weird I know!!
7) I mostly tweet lyrics of songs rather than what I'm doing or the usual day-to-day tweets.
8) I adore following high brand fashion, most of which I can't even afford. Adding clothing to my basket and seeing how much I'd have to spend if I wanted to truly get ''what I want'' from that specific website (usually Balmain)
9) I'm usually too lazy to read other peoples blogs and just read bold parts, the title or short sentences... the rest of the blog I just view the pictures of. (yep! and I'm a blogger myself)
10) I only use Skype to speak to family & friends abroad the UK
11) I adore Japanese food but hate sea food!!!!
12) I love reading books although It takes me ages to get into them, but once I'm past the 60th page I can't stop!!!!!
13) I'm afraid of the dark
14) I'm crazy over anything that is grey! Clothing, Interior, Electricals, Gadgets, Books ... etc. But specially over GREY LEATHER... if its leather... AND its grey... its mine!
15) I've never drank a full pint of beer in my life (not a fan - prefer cocktails)
16) I never played with Bratz dolls when I was a kid, was always Barbie or Myscene dolls
17) I'm obsessed with getting my back cracked
18) I dislike Indian food
19) I sleep with 9 pillows
20) I love heights and speed!

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